Vital support
As a paralegal, you’ll be given a variety of important responsibilities that will hold your interest and put your knowledge of the law to good use.
You’ll conduct research, prepare documents and conduct investigations for a law practice, court or government agency.
You’ll have a vital support role on a legal team and be in a great position to decide upon and/or prepare for law school.
For a look at all the courses in our program, consult the course list.

Law studies
Our program is approved by the American Bar Association and our faculty includes both lawyers and paralegals.
They’ll teach and mentor you as you learn about a variety of legal specialties, including divorce and child custody, corporate law, real estate, bankruptcy, civil suits and criminal prosecution and defense.
Courses include:
- Michigan Legal System & Ethics
- Legal Research & Writing 1 & 2
- Mechanics of Real Estate Law
- Principles of Family Law
- Estate Administration and Elder Law in Michigan
- Criminal Law & Procedures
- Electronic Evidence & Discovery
- And more!
Have we made our case?
Professor Jennifer Manatine is the program advisor, and she can tell you even more. Contact her at 586.445.7176.
More positions than paralegals
More positions than paralegals
With lawyers and the courts handling more litigation than ever before, the skills of a paralegal are in great demand.
Use this handy tool to find out the positions available locally and what they pay.
And when you’re ready to graduate with your associate degree, contact Career Services if you need help in the job search and interview preparation, including development of your resume.
That is, unless you haven’t been recruited by a law firm by then!
Additional Information
The Associate of Applied Science degree in Paralegal program is approved by the American Bar Association (ABA), Standing Committee on Paralegals, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654-7598, 312.988.5757.