Macomb Community College sets tuition costs for the fall of 2024
Thursday, March 07, 2024 12:00 PM

Macomb Community College sets tuition costs for the fall of 2024
Even with the tuition increase of 1.8%, Macomb Community College’s cost per credit hour is still 16% lower than most Michigan colleges. Photo courtesy of MCC
Macomb Community College is raising its tuition.
And still, MCC students will be paying less per credit hour than most community colleges in Michigan.
“Providing accessible, affordable and high-quality educational opportunities that connect to meaningful career pathways is one of our highest priorities,” Macomb Community College President James Sawyer IV said in a news release following the decision to increase the college’s tuition rates.
The increase for the upcoming academic year, fall 2024 through spring/summer 2025 was decided during the MCC Board of Trustees regular monthly meeting on Feb. 21.
The rate for residents, which comprise 76% of the college’s students, will go from $111 per billable contact hour to $113.
Even with this increase, MCC has the third-lowest tuition rate among the state’s 28 community colleges, 16% below the average, and a tuition rate that is 78% lower than the state’s public universities.
Other colleges with lower tuition rates include Oakland and Washtenaw community colleges, with rates of $107 and $99, respectively.
Among the community colleges with the highest tuition rate per credit hour for in-district students are Jackson Community College at $185 and Lake Michigan at $175.50 per credit hour.
“This modest increase in tuition upholds our commitment to affordability while ensuring we have the resources to support our students’ success, to innovate and invest in emerging opportunities and to preserve the fiscal viability of the college,” Sawyer said, noting tuition is one of the three primary sources of revenue for the college.
At MCC it comprises 35% of the school’s revenue, with local property taxes at 33% and state appropriations at 27%.
Macomb has a long-standing commitment to making the most of limited fiscal resources. The college’s millage rate is the third lowest among the state’s community colleges, and MCC receives the eighth-lowest appropriation per student (fiscal year equated student – FYES) from the state.
Macomb is also noted as having the lowest operating expense per FYES among the state’s 28 community colleges at 32% below the state average.
Here’s a look at how MCC tuition categories will change this fall:
- For residents, it will go from $111 to $113 per credit hour
- Out of district, $208 to $212
- Out of state/foreign: $265 to $27
- Affiliate (those living in areas not served by a community college district): $143 to $146
- Early college/dual enrollment: $106 to $108
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