Spatial unity
The sharpest digital image, carefully rendered illustration or eye-popping font depend upon the unity of a work’s design and layout to really make them shine.
It’s what helps ads win awards, advertising agencies win clients and commercial artists win accolades from employers.
If you get excited about developing the spatial element in a graphic design until the desired effect is achieved, specializing in this area of Media and Communication Arts is a great way to make your talents shine!
For a look at all the courses in our program, consult the course list.

A faculty of designers
The faculty in our program come from corporate advertising departments and outside advertising agencies.
Their insight and knowledge will be your introduction to an industry that offers much to those who can incorporate a variety of elements into a cohesive and eye-catching design.
Courses include:
- Fundamentals of Design
- Illustration Fundamentals
- Typography and Spatial Development
- Advertising Art
- Digital Layout with Adobe
- Previsualization
- Digital Illustration
- Web Page Design with Dreamweaver
- And many more!
Ready to lay out your career?
Professor Shaun Sarcona, our program advisor, is waiting to hear from you. Call him at 586.445.7443.
Career creds
Use the tool below to explore positions available locally and what you can expect to earn with an associate degree from Macomb, as well as with a bachelor’s degree if you decide to continue your education at a four-year college or university.
When you’re ready, our Career Services team is here to help with the job search and interview preparation, including developing a resume to complement your portfolio.