Concept to completion
In today’s graphic design world, it’s rarely either/or. A photo could be complemented by a digital illustration in an interactive layout that includes imbedded video and 2D animation.
It’s a creative mix of tools and techniques that lets you wear many design hats as you move skillfully from concept to completion.
In our program, you’ll learn to pull it all together into an artful website, digital advertisement, social media post, YouTube video or whatever else you or client have in mind.
For a look at all the courses in our program, consult the course list.

Welcome to our creative studio!
Our faculty have experience working in creative studios and will teach you how to incorporate multiple media into one cohesive design.
You’ll work side by side with them in the same environment and using the same software that you’ll find in the industry.
You’ll learn:
- Illustration
- Digital layout
- Digital video
- Design concepts
- Rendering and perspective techniques
- Photographic composition
- Interactive web animation
- And much more!
Ready to collaborate with our faculty?
Professor Deanna Sheehan is our program advisor and she's waiting to hear from you at 586.445.7435.
Career-ready skills
Use the tool below to explore positions available locally and what you can expect to earn with an associate degree, as well as with a bachelor’s degree if you decide to continue your education at a four-year college or university.
When you’re ready, our Career Services team can help you find your first job and prepare for the interview.