Faculty Directory

Faculty Directory

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Samantha Marie Abdoo

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC Mail: ESTC
Email: abdoos208@macomb.edu

Ali Abou Taka

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: aboutakaa776@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Robert Roy Abraham

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: abrahamr329@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Brandon Thomas Accurso


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: accursob413@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Cheri J Adamek

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: adamekc627@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Suzanne M Adams


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: Adamss@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Tyler Adams

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: adamst022@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Yasmeen Anwar Addoby

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: addobyy@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Arthur H Adlam

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: adlama@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Iolanda M Agazzi

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: agazzii@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Lisa M Agazzi


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: agazzil96@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Kendell Agnew

Test Proctor/Reader/Scribe

Learning Center CC

Office: Center C-116 Mail: CC 116
Email: agnewk609@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2203

Deborah S Aidem

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: gershuned09@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Sonila A Ajazi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: South E-219 Mail: F204-7
Email: ajazis@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Janet L Akehurst

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

History Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: akehurstj71@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Michelle Akers-Berg

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: akersbergm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2140

May I Alam

Adjunct Counselor

Special Needs Area DI

Office: Center H-103 Mail: H 103
Email: alamm099@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-6361

Hiba Alamat

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: alamath058@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kyle Albertson

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Email: albertsonk709@macomb.edu

Abbe J Alcini

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST 118
Email: alcinia971@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Dylan Paul Alcini

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: alcinid939@macomb.edu

Nirmal S Alexander

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: alexandern@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Christopher L Allis

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: allisc477@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Tina J Allor


Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: South P-111 Mail: P152
Email: allort@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7497

Fawne N Allossery

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: South P-152 Mail: P152
Email: allosseryf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7346

Leanne K Allvin

"Counselor, Student Access Serv"

Special Needs Area DI

Office: South G-332 Mail: G370
Email: allvinl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7222

Kahtan Al-Mandwee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: al-mandweek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Aysar K Alshakargy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-200 Mail: SC200
Email: alshakargya927@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Johnathan Samuel Alter


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: alterj964@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Abdulaziz Al-Zokeir

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Geography Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: al-zokeira@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Rianna L Amolsch


English Area SC

Office: South F-204-6 Mail: E-214
Email: amolschr926@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8688

Margaret L Anderson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: andersonm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Barry J Andrade

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: andradeb657@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Vickie A Andrews

Adjunct Fac - Comm Svc - NC

Community Education

Office: South C-125 Mail: D212
Email: andrewsv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4006

Ryan Michael Antosiek

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: SM-101
Email: antosiekr339@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Louis J Aquino

"Counselor, Student Access Serv"

Special Needs Area DI

Office: Center H-103-4 Mail: H103
Email: aquinol@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7061

James Raymond Aretakis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: aretakisj286@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Michael Aretakis


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-229 Mail: J125
Email: aretakism@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2063

Elizabeth A Argiri

"Exec VP, Administration"

Business Unit VP

Office: Center S-233 Mail: S200
Email: argiril@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7306

Jason D Armstrong

Adjunct Fac - Comm Svc - NC

Advanced Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: armstrongj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Nicola Artese

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: artesen67@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Matthew Ashford

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: ashfordm899@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Rasheedah Askew

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: askewr06@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Rabaa W Assi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: assir@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Silvana Audia

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: audias@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Anthony R Augugliaro

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: 163
Email: augugliaroa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Paula J Augustyn

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: augustynp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2058

Delena K Austin


Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-269-1 Mail: R163
Email: austind@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2194

David J Auwen

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: auwend106@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Youland Awad Allah

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: awadallahy510@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Beth Ann Aylesworth

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: aylesworthb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Christine Azzi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: C-311
Email: azzic615@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Nicholas Backos


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: backosn43@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Peter Badry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: badryp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Jeffrey Bain

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Email: bainj832@macomb.edu

Jerome D Baird

Academic Advisor CC

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: bairdj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2035

Brenda L Baker

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST118
Email: bakerb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Faizun Bakth

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: bakthf194@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Madeline Balavitch

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: balavitchm785@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Martim Balch-Barth-Bobone

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: balch-barth-bobom419@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Tanya M Balcom


Management Area DI

Office: Center A-227 Mail: A211
Email: balcomt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4830

Richard A Ballance


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: ballancer629@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Lewis Ballard

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: ballardl729@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Keegan Mitchell Ballew


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: ballewk683@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Hunter Paul Ballor

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-218 Mail: C 218
Email: ballorh731@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Michael J Balsamo

"Dean, Business & IT"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center A-222 Mail: A 211
Email: balsamom@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7141

Randy L Bangs

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: bangsr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Beverly Banks

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-SJ-228 Mail: J 228
Email: banksb029@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Robert P Banta


Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-215 Mail: C200
Email: bantar@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7325

Jennifer E Barker

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: barkerj048@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-283-2144

Paul D Barnard

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: barnardp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Kevin E Barnhill

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: barnhillk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Carolyn E Barren

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: barrenc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2053

Sarah A Barron

"Academic Advisor, Prob SC"

Academic Advising SC

Office: Center H-103-16 Mail: CH-103
Email: barrons@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Nicholas S Barry


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: barryn305@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Gregory A Bartels

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 118
Email: bartelsg169@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Julie L Bartoy


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-2 Mail: E214
Email: bartoyj48@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2036

Cheryl L Bartram

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: bartramc14@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Dane E Bartz

Instructor of Exercise Science

Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: Center F-CF-109 Mail: CF-109
Email: bartzd761@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7484

Md Abul Bashar

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: basharm221@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Mary Ann Basile

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: basilem@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Sumit Basu

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: basus574@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Norwood W Bates

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M 101
Email: batesn44@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Karen L Bathanti

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: bathantik@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Erhardt J Bauer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: bauere@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

James P Bauer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: bauerj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Laura M Baumert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Veterinary Technician CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: baumertl926@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Anna C Baur


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: paulla476@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Michele E Grant Bazner

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: baznerm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Ali Bazzi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: bazzia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7016

James A Beard

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-136 Mail: P154
Email: beardj107@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-3552

Christa Ann Beattie

Counselor - 225 Day CC

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: beattiec@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2228

Monique Renee Beauchamp


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-205 Mail: C200
Email: dollm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7008

Edward A Beaudin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: beaudine@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2058

Janine M Beaulieu

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: J 228
Email: beaulieuj848@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Kimberly Becker


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: beckerk36@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Tammy Beckett-Reese

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South F-211 Mail: F204-7
Email: beckett-reeset90@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Clifford D Belleau

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-105 Mail: J106
Email: belleauc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Michael P Belleman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: bellemanm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Kelsey M Bemus

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-214 Mail: CE214
Email: bemusk307@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Dennis Benincasa

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-310-2 Mail: C335
Email: benincasad@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7413

Felecia A Bennett-Clark

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: bennett-clarkf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Diane Bera

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: berad@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7349

Nicholas Bergan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: bergann06@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Christy L Berriman-Sauve


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-3 Mail: E214
Email: berrimansauvec@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4704

Jonathan A Berz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: berzj38@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Stuart A Best

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-212 Mail: C200
Email: bests900@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Brynn Ashley Beyer

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Email: beyerb410@macomb.edu

Ranae Delores Ikerd Beyerlein

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: beyerleinr93@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Fady D Bidawit

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: n 114
Email: bidawitf716@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445.7354

Teresa L Biegun

Librarian CC

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-250 Mail: C151
Email: biegunt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2233

Rebecca Bieri

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: bierir831@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Christopher Adam Bierschbach

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: bierschbachc062@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Allison M Biliti

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-C-114 Mail: CA-114
Email: bilitia678@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Emily Jay Birkenshaw

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: birkenshawe274@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Robert Birkett

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: birkettr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Kurt E Birkle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: birklek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Kyle E Bischoff

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: bischoffk340@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Jason D Bisdorf

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: bisdorfj499@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Karen D Bisdorf

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: bisdorfk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Austin S Bishop

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: bishopa026@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Angela M Bitterman-Wenson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: bitterman-wensona@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Karen Black

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182 Mail: CR163
Email: blackk348@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Sally Anne Blechinger

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ106
Email: blechingers15@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Steve R Blick

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-212 Mail: SC-212
Email: blicks002@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Regina Miriam Blue-Soloman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: bluesolomanr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Melissa M Bobowski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: bobowskim86@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Christopher W Bobryk

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: bobrykc058@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Marianne Bodnariuk

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-134 Mail: R124
Email: bodnariukm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Andrew C Boehm

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: boehma325@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Rachel M Boggs

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South T-ST-110 Mail: ST110
Email: boggsr641@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

James E Bolin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: bolinj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Scott A Boman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: bomans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

David J Bonacorsi

Adjunct Fac - Comm Svc - NC

Advanced Police Training

Office: East 163 Mail: EST 118
Email: bonacorsid@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Paul A Bondurant


Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: South P-114 Mail: P152
Email: bondurantp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7483

Lisa J Bone

Academic Advisor CC

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: H103
Email: bonel@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2223

Adam V Bongiorno

Academic Advisor SC

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-352 Mail: G370
Email: bongiornoa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7218

Lisa Boni


Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182-3 Mail: R163
Email: bonil@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2190

Anthony Bontomasi


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: bontomasia834@macomb.edu

Jillian Booker

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: bookerj052@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Chad A Boruta


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-231 Mail: N114
Email: borutac@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2252

Elizabeth M Bosilkovski

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H213
Email: bosilkovskie@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Timothy L Bowen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East A-126 Mail: A109
Email: bowent47@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4066

Cassandra J Bowers

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-219 Mail: E317
Email: bowersc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Samantha A Bowlin


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-119
Email: bowlins@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2159

Regina Boyd

Phys Therapist Assist Lab Su

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-215 Mail: E214
Email: boydre@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4817

Leon O Boyer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A114
Email: boyerl056@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Ioana Brad

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: C-311
Email: bradi920@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Christine M Brant

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-370 Mail: G370
Email: brantc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Linda D Brender


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: brenderl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2175

Lev Brener

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: brenerl777@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Patricia Brewer

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: brewerp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2228

Troy Bridgewater

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: bridgewatert@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Ludger Brinker


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: brinkerl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2012

Theresa Lynn Brodoski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: brodoskit812@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Amie M Brown

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-SC-200 Mail: SC-200
Email: browna628@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Deborah Brown

Faculty - NBU

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C125
Email: brownd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7252

Kyle Robert Brown


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: brownk201@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Megan R Brown

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163 Mail: CR-163
Email: brownm137@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Shaun Brown

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: estc 118
Email: browns403@macomb.edu

Michael J Broyles


History Area - CC

Office: Center N-135 Mail: N114
Email: broylesm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2127

Tania Bruner

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: brunert@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Courtney K Bruss

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: brussc493@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kathleen A Bugajski

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center L-111 Mail: L111
Email: bugajskik36@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2099

James Nickell Bull

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: bullj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

James R Bunker

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: bunkerj982@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jonathan A Bunker

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: bunkerj667@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Susan Burcham


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-118 Mail: E214
Email: burchams908@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4752

Mary Jo Burchart


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-137 Mail: CJ 125
Email: burchartm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2022

Meagan Burford

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: burfordm676@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Dennis J Burin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Geography Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: burind@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Terance Burkardt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: burkardtt221@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Judy L Burke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: burkej@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

John E Burn

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: burnj161@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Judith E Burnett

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163 Mail: CR-163
Email: halvorsonj935@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Christopher G Burns

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-134 Mail: SP 134
Email: burnsc642@macomb.edu
Phone: 7512

Morgan Burton

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: CH227
Email: burtonm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4121

David Buscaino

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST118
Email: buscainod57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Matthew S Busch


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-33 Mail: ATC101
Email: buschm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7453

Nancy Butzu

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182 Mail: R-163
Email: butzun@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Ronald J Butzu

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: butzur@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Shelly A Buza-Dicristo

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: buza-dicristos239@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Joseph J Byle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: bylej35@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Laura Frances Byrd

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Veterinary Technician CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: E214
Email: byrdl483@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Michael J Cadotte

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E-214
Email: cadottem306@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Thomas Cain

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: caint@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Patrick G Callaghan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: callaghanp27@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2059

William J Callaghan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-218 Mail: A211
Email: callaghanb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2135

Megan M Callahan

Counselor - Probationary 225 D

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103-4 Mail: CH-103
Email: callahanm624@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2235

Kimberly H Callahan-Golden

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 213
Email: callahan-goldenk225@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Dawn H Calnen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: pischeld@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Joel S Cambare

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2126
Email: cambarej32@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Adrian E Camden

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN 114
Email: camdena743@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Heather M Campbell

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163-1 Mail: 163
Email: campbellh361@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-289-2189

Lauren R. Campbell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA211
Email: campbelll796@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Nicholas Anthony Candela

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: candelan@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jason Canfield

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: 104
Email: canfieldj114@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Brenda K Cani

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Email: canib693@macomb.edu

Benjamin John Cantwell

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: cantwellb754@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

James R Carlson


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-18 Mail: ATC101
Email: carlsonj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7473

Robert S Carr

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: carrr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7350

Pauletta J Carson

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: carsonp154@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Tara Marie Carter

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE214
Email: vanhoeyt228@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Nicholas Matthew Caruso

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: caruson763@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Anthony Case

Instructor of Music

Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117-3 Mail: n 114
Email: casea935@macomb.edu

Clara M Casey

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE-226472 Mail: offsite
Email: caseyc282@macomb.edu

Megan Cashen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: cashenm816@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Nicole E Castle-Kelly

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: castlen@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Janet Sue Menkes Castronova

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: castronovaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Theresa Catalano-Reinhardt


Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-223 Mail: N114
Email: catalano-reinhardtt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-8612

Virginia R Catanese

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: catanesev@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Kathleen M Celice

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: celicek548@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Janet Like Cellitti


Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-269-1 Mail: R163
Email: cellittij@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2004

Joseph A Cerino

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: cerinoj499@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Randolph J Chabot

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M 101
Email: chabotr743@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Larry Bruce Champagne

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-200 Mail: SC-200
Email: champagnel672@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Mark H Champagne


Chemistry Area DI

Office: South B-404-7 Mail: B404
Email: champagnem@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7123

Barn Joseph Chandler

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: 118
Email: chandlerb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4025

Kevin Chandler

VP College Adv & Com Rel

Comm Enrich & Coll Relations

Office: South D-211 Mail: D204
Email: chandlerk85@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7244

Lori Chapman


Math Area SC

Office: South C-314 Mail: G419
Email: chapmanl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2114

Ryan Christopher Chapman


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: chapmanr704@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Ashleigh M Charles

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-346 Mail: G 370
Email: charlesa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4166

Brent J Chartier

Adj.Fac.Goldman Sachs-NC

Business & Inf Tech Dean's Ofc

Office: Center H-109 Mail: H109
Email: chartierb498@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7555

Madhumita Chatterjee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ106
Email: chatterjeem845@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Diana Esmeralda Chavez


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: chavezd146@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Richard Cheung

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: cheungr957@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Ann E Chirco

Library Tech Assistant

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-151 Mail: C151
Email: chircoa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2065

John T Chirco


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-213 Mail: sc200
Email: chircoj814@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2230

Chiao Jou Chiu

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: chiuc993@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Christopher Lawrence Chojnacki

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST-118
Email: chojnackic60@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Michael J Chriss

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: chrissm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Steven A Christ

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: christs@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Corinne M Christensen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Management Area DI

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: christensenc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Paul Chrustowski


Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-129 Mail: N114
Email: chrustowskip79@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2259

Faith Chu

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: kurilyf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Kelly L Chunchick

Counselor - 225 Day CC

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103-10 Mail: H103
Email: chunchickk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2221

April A Church

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: churcha@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Michael A Ciaramitaro

"Director, Police Academy"

Public Service Inst Gen Adm

Office: East ESTC-163-8 Mail: ESTC-163
Email: ciaramitarom658@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4051

Antonio Cicchetti

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: cicchettia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

William P Ciner

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: cinerw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Michael J Clare


Biology Area SC

Office: South B-404-8 Mail: B404
Email: clarem@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7118

Carrie Clark-Berry

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Online Online-226472 Mail: n/a
Email: clark-berryc428@macomb.edu

Daniel R Claus

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M 101
Email: clausd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7002

April MB Cobb


Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-119 Mail: N114
Email: cobba@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2131

Sparkle June Cohen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: cohens002@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Victoria L Coleman

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C125
Email: colemanv293@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Ann T Coligado

Adjunct Fac - Comm Svc - NC

Community Education

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: coligadoa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4006

Marcella J Colling

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: collingm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Courtney C Collins

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: collinsc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2386

Vincent J Collura

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: collurav498@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Michael A Colonna

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: colonnam@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Julie Compton

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Veterinary Technician CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E 214
Email: comptonj408@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jodie R Conerly

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-314 Mail: E314
Email: conerlyj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

David I Conigliaro

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: conigliarod@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Misty L Conigliaro

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: conigliarom459@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Jason P Conklin

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: conklinj30@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Kristen M Conte

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: CF109-4
Email: contek489@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Robert L Cook

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST 118
Email: cookr782@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Carol A Cooper

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: cooperc543@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Adam Corbley

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: corbleya780@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Terry L Corsello

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: corsellot@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Jonathan Michael Cote


Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-119 Mail: M 101
Email: cotej091@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7010

Edward R Courtemanche


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-6 Mail: E214
Email: courtemanchee@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2261

Betty E Crawford

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Reading Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: crawfordb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Juanita Crawford

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C 125
Email: crawfordj583@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Tina L Crawford


History Area - CC

Office: Center N-125 Mail: N114
Email: crawfordt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4992

Joshua Crespo

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: SR124
Email: crespoj445@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Michael Andre Crew

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: crewm236@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Robert M Criger

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: crigerb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Matthew S Cross


Political Science Area SC

Office: South E-314-4 Mail: E314
Email: crossm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7376

Maria Cserhalmi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: cserhalmim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

John P Cundy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: Do Not Use - Adv Tech Center Advanced Technology Center-101 Mail: B101
Email: cundyj064@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Sean J Cunningham

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: cunninghams@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Norman V Cure


Economics Area SC

Office: South E-312-7 Mail: E314
Email: curen@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7279

Lisa A Cutlip-Besonen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: cutlipl688@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Mohamed Dabaja

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: dabajam312@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Rodney A Damm

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: dammr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Patrice Daniels

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-200 Mail: SC-200
Email: danielsp420@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7367

Nadera Daod

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: daodn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

James Cal Davenport

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: davenportj023@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Gregory J Davies

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: daviesg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Aaron J Davis

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-C-151 Mail: C-151
Email: davisa399@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2056

Elizabeth Davis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: davise@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Lisa M Davis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Management Area DI

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: davisl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Madalyn Mary-Ann-Louise Davis


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: davism369@macomb.edu

Willie B Davis

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: davisw257@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Patrick Lawrence Dear

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: dearp474@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Jenifer A DeBellis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South F-211 Mail: F211
Email: debellisj86@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Valarie M DeCarolis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: decarolisv57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Walter J Decorek

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: decorekw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-3156

David J DeGutis

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST111
Email: degutisd457@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Jeffrey D Deiotte

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: deiottej188@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Ronald J Demerino

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: demerinor@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Bonnie J DeMeyere

Adjunct Fac - Comm Svc - NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: demeyereb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Scott W DeMuynck

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: demuyncks735@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Natalie Rita Derra


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: derran695@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Glenn Oliver Dettman

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Email: dettmang954@macomb.edu

Kerri L Dettmer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: dettmerk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2145

Tamara E Dew

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C125
Email: dewt353@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7147

Allen J Dickenson

Faculty - NBU

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: Mtec104
Email: dickensona@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8603

Khari S Dickey

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: South P-SP152 Mail: SP-152
Email: dickeyk023@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7346

John Diehr

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South J-308 Mail: J 308
Email: diehrj322@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7400

Phillip Dietrich

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: dietrichp138@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2138

Kathryn Lynn DiMarzio

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE Mail: offsite
Email: dimarziok297@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4772

Julianna M Dobney


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: EST 118
Email: dobneyj648@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Lawrence E Dodge

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: dodgel@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4121

Danielle Doering

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: doeringd267@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Shawn E Dolan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: dolans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Patricia Dolengowski

"Counselor, Student Access Serv"

Special Needs Area DI

Office: Center H-103-5 Mail: H103
Email: dolengowskip@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4735

Christine Laura Doles

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: brownc57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7350

Michael A Domanski

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: domanskim333@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Christopher Donar

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: donarc299@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Erin Donathan


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-121 Mail: A 121
Email: donathane115@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2069

Christopher A Donnelly


Math Area SC

Office: South G-414 Mail: G419
Email: donnellyc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2020

Steven C Downey

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R-124
Email: downeys960@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Roger W Doyle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: Center F-109-4 Mail: CF109-4
Email: doyler@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Keith A Drain-Paris


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: drain-parisk047@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Matthew A Dreger

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Online Online-n/a Mail: n/a
Email: dregerm067@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Amy A Drehmer

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: drehmera118@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Frederick J Drogas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: drogasf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Charles Dudgeon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: dudgeonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Amy M Dulgerian

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-SG-370 Mail: SG-370
Email: dulgeriana598@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Kenneth J Dulinski


Eng Tech Indust Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-11 Mail: ATC101
Email: dulinskik@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7248

Timothy J Duncan

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: duncant977@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Robin Temple Dunlop

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C 125
Email: dunlopr680@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Kristin Lee Dunsmore


Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182-2 Mail: R163
Email: dunsmorek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4809

David M Duquette

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-136 Mail: P152
Email: duquetted988@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Lauren Duquette

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-136 Mail: P136
Email: duquettel524@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Kathy J Durack

Academic Advisor CC

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: durackk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2236

Travis J Durant

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: durantt521@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Nicole E Durkin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: durkinn640@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Dale J Dwojakowski

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: dwojakowskid@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Denise L Dyar

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2126
Email: dyard@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Brigit Dyer


Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-314 Mail: E314
Email: dyerb18@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7294

Roger Dyjak

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: dyjakr163@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Sonia Bechara Eckerman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-335 Mail: C335
Email: eckermans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Tanya Lee Eckhout


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: eckhoutt058@macomb.edu

Danielle M Edwards

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: edwardsd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Nya Edwards

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: edwardsn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Daniel C Eggert

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: eggertd503@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Kayleigh J Ehlke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E 219
Email: ehlkek404@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Tracy L Eikner

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: eiknert@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Andrew Ekstrom

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CN-114
Email: ekstroma044@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Francen Elisha

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: elishaf254@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Roger P Elle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: eller@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Bonnie Matthews Ellis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: ellisb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Michael B Emshwiller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: emshwillerm66@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Tyler J Eng

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: engt627@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Dale Erickson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: ericksond@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Kristina N Esfahani

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: Center E-125 Mail: E 125
Email: millerk208@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Anita M Essenburg

Pt Reading/Writing Consultant

Reading Writing Center

Office: Center C-116 Mail: C 116
Email: essenburga@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-5216

Kevin Essenmacher

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: essenmacherk545@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Nicole A Eubank

Adj Faculty Dental Sci NC

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: cramern835@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Kathy A Eubanks

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: eubanksk679@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Patrick Evans-Mach

Associate Dean of IT & Culi

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: machp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-5214

Pawel Fadanelli

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: fadanellip34@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Ryan Fantuzzi

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: fantuzzir624@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Maureen D Fardell

Adj Faculty Dental Sci NC

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: fardellm399@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7161

Michaelene M Farrell-Schirmer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E219
Email: farrell-schirmerm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Nicholas T Fawaz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: fawazn14@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Matthew J Fecht

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South J-136 Mail: J 136
Email: fechtm382@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Julie M Fedolak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area SC

Office: Center L-117 Mail: CL-117
Email: fedolakj081@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Jurij A Fedorak

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: fedorakj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Simeon L Felarca

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: felarcas493@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Joann M Feldt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: waldrepj145@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

John A Felis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101
Email: felisj930@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Joseph Arthur Felton


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: feltonj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Jacob M Femminineo

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: femminineoj53@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Marc Fennell

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC Mail: ESTC
Email: fennelm021@macomb.edu

Alia N Ferdaous

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: ferdaousa299@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Cheryl A Ferguson


Communications Area CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: CF-109
Email: fergusonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4780

Elizabeth A Ferguson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: fergusone00@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Coy Ferrell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: Ferrellc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Francette S Fey


Physical Science Area SC

Office: South B-204-2 Mail: B404
Email: feyf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7122

Robert W Feyers

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: feyersr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4006

Paula F Fiebich

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: fiebichp966@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

John R Filippelli


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: filippellij740@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Linda A Findlay

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST-118
Email: findlayl340@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Lucas A Fisher

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: fisherl331@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Stephen William Fisher


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: est
Email: fishers230@macomb.edu

William D Fisher

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: fisherw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Gary A Flemming


Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-215 Mail: N114
Email: flemmingg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2254

Stephen S Florian

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: 118
Email: florians@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Paul E Foley

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: foleyp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Craig Ford

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P Mail: SP
Email: fordc593@macomb.edu

James R Ford

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: fordj522@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4121

Spencer C Ford

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-SC-200 Mail: SC-200
Email: fords350@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

David B Forest

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center A-134 Mail: A109
Email: forestd82@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Philip M Fortier

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: fortierp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Erin S Fortuna

Counselor - 225 Day SC

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-340 Mail: G370
Email: fortunae@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7055

Cindy K Foster

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H227
Email: fosterc66@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Joshua David Fouchia

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: 111
Email: fouchiaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Douglas J Fournier

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: fournierd61@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Joan M Fowler

Academic Advisor SC

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-358 Mail: G370
Email: fowlerj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7044

Janice Fox


Communications Area CC

Office: Center N-217 Mail: N114
Email: foxj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4044

Brendan R Fraser

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: fraserb041@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Jason J Frattini


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: frattinij843@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Brendt J Frederick

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: frederickb000@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Erin R Frederickson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: fredericksone513@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Brian T Frederiksen

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: frederiksenb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Amy E Freigruber

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: freigrubera@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

David B Friday


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-233 Mail: N114
Email: fridayd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4731

James Albert Friedman

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: friedmanj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Cathleen Fritz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Geography Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E-214
Email: fritzc810@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Michelle L Fuhr

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C 125
Email: fuhrm063@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Laura Gabrion

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: gabrionl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7360

Jennifer Gale



Office: Center
Email: galej375@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4734

Daniel D Galich

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: galichd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Andrea Galindo

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: galindoa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Ivan K Gappy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: gappyi778@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Brian J Garavaglia

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: garavagliab@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7292

Maria E Garcia

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: SJ-228
Email: brysonm588@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Miguel A Garcia

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: garciam696@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Amy M Garrison


Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182-1 Mail: 163-1
Email: garrisona081@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4732

Michael F Gavin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Philosophy Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: gavinm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Jennifer C Gawaran

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: gawaranj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Carrie A Gaynor

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: gaynorc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

William J Gemmell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: gemmellw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Randall J Gerber


Business Admin Area Di

Office: Center A-226 Mail: A211
Email: gerberr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7155

Jenna Gerds


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: gerdsj72@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2255

Ronald L Gerich

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN-114
Email: gerichr580@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Kathleen Marie Gerus


Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-312-6 Mail: SE314
Email: gerusk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Wael Gharbie

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 189
Email: gharbiew372@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Amy M Ghattas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: ghattasa79@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Farhad Ghoddoussi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: ghoddoussif@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Heather A Giacona

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE214
Email: giaconah678@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Deborah A Giannone

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: giannoned523@macomb.edu

Jessica J Gibson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-126 Mail: R124
Email: gibsonj039@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Amber Rose Gier

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-214 Mail: CE-214
Email: giera409@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Ryan Michael Gierman

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: giermanr895@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Duncan Joseph Gill

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: gilld214@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Bryan A Gillispie

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: gillispieb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Amy Joy Gilmer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: gilmera@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Justin James Gilmore

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: gilmorej409@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Robert Kenneth Giorlando


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: giorlandor722@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Juana D Gissendanner

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: SN129
Email: gissendannerj708@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7161

Anfrila Gjini

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: gjinia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Garth Glazier

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: glazierg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Michael Gleason

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: gleasonm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Nicholas Paul Godwin

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163-1 Mail: 163-7
Email: godwinn845@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4051

David Goecke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: goecked@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Christopher R Goeddeke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: goeddekec212@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2286

Lisa Gonzales-Goodman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: gonzalesl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Carroll L Goossen


English Area SC

Office: South F-304-3 Mail: E214
Email: goossenc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7359

Victoria A Gordon

Teacher - Appr Coor 225 Day

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-26 Mail: M101
Email: gordonv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7519

Yvonne M Gordon

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Remote H-227 Mail: remote
Email: gordony129@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Marcena I Gorgaes

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: gorgaesm211@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Randy K Gossett

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: gossettr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

David W Grabski

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: grabskid699@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Thomas James Grady

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: gradyt396@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jerry W Graff

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: graffj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Donald E. Graham

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: grahamd13@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Ligia Grandys

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: grandysl284@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Daniel C Grano

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: CA-124
Email: granod786@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

David J Grant

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: grantd552@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Janice M Grant


Facil Design& Construct S C

Office: South M-212 Mail: M101
Email: grantj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7480

Forrest Wilson Graves

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: gravesf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Kathleen M Gray

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center R-182 Mail: R-163
Email: grayk682@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Patrick J Greek


Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-219 Mail: A211
Email: greekp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2253

Jacob Joseph Green

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: greenj087@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Jason D Griffin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-SM 108 Mail: SM101
Email: griffinj850@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4022

Yvette R. Griffin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: griffiny@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Aaron Grignon

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: estc 118
Email: grignona236@macomb.edu

Michael Patrick Grimmer


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: grimmerm514@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Henri E Gross


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L 117
Email: grossh924@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Karen M Groth


Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-314-5 Mail: E-214
Email: wicklinek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7457

Nicole M Grove

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-CE-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: groven312@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Elizabeth Grumeretz

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P Mail: SP
Email: grumeretzl464@macomb.edu

Taylor J Grzelakowski

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-134 Mail: P 134
Email: grzelakowskit680@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-3543

Nicholas J Guadagnino

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: guadagninon783@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Christine M Guarino

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center K-128 Mail: K128
Email: guarinoc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2161

Karen M Gulvezan

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: J228
Email: gulvezank@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2056

Alfred Anthony Gunther

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CN-114
Email: gunthera762@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Olivia D Guy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-SE-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: guyo201@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Michael James Haddad

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST118
Email: haddadm027@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Kurtis M Hale

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: halek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7109

Maciej J Halfaf


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-235 Mail: N114
Email: halfafm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-263-6954

Peter R Haniak

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: haniakp244@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Karen L Hanks

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: hanksk637@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Lisa Hanna

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: hannal888@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Warren Michael Happell

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: happellw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Antonious S Harbi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: harbia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

John Wesley Hardin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

History Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: hardinj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Angela Marie Hardwick

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: hardwicka@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2140

Gordon Harnadek


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-134 Mail: CJ 125
Email: harnadekg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2186

Beatrice Harrison

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: harrisonb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Roger L Harrison

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: harrisonr509@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Cameron Hart

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P Mail: sp
Email: hartc710@macomb.edu

David Hart

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: hartd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Diana D Hart

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: hartd865@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7689

Megan M Hart

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South N-214 Mail: E214
Email: fredericksm893@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Deborah S Haslett

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C Mail: C125
Email: haslettd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4151

Heather Hass

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: hassh342@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Adam G Hayes

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: E214
Email: hayesa184@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Denise Haziri

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: South C-311 Mail: F204-7
Email: hazirid357@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Claudia L Heinbuck

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: heinbuckc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Daniel K Heini

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: heinid66@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Melanie Hendrick

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE
Email: hendrickm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Kevin O Hendricks


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-227 Mail: N114
Email: hendricksk77@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Christopher Henisse

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: henissec948@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Edwina Henry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: henrye@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Holly Ann Hereau

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: hereauh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Lisa Hess

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South J-160 Mail: j160
Email: hessl42@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7211

Ryan J Hewlett

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Geography Area CC

Office: Center N-N114 Mail: N114
Email: hewlettr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Courtney E Higgins

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ-106
Email: higginsc286@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Joel M Higuchi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: higuchij@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Barbara E Hill

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: hillbe@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Bruce R Hill

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: hillbr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Eboni Latraca Hill

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: hillel@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

James P Hocking

Faculty - NBU

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC
Email: hockingj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4105

Lori L Hodorek

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: Center F-109-4 Mail: CF109-4
Email: hodorekl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Rene H Hoffmann

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: hoffmannr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2140

Thomas G Hoffmeyer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: hoffmeyert@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Carmen D Holcomb

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: holcombc304@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Alexander P Holish

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST118
Email: holisha795@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Ramon Hollingsworth


Cul Arts & Hos Area CC

Office: Center K-124-1 Mail: A-109
Email: hollingsworthr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4776

Anne Margot Holtvluwer

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-CH-103 Mail: CH-103
Email: holtvluwera777@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Justin R Hooks

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: hooksj724@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Patricia S Hopkinson

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: 104
Email: hopkinsonp532@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Benjamin J Hoppe

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: hoppeb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Patrick Hornung


Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-202 Mail: C200
Email: hornungp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7178

Aladar K Horvath


Math Area SC

Office: South E-SE-413 Mail: SE-214
Email: horvatha876@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7143

Mark Paul Hoskin

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: hoskinm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Andrea L Howard

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: South C-126 Mail: C126
Email: howarda@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Michelle D Howie

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: howiem377@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Dorina Hoxhaj

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: 114
Email: hoxhajd86@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2268

Karen A Hrymak

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: J228
Email: hrymakk57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Brian T Hubbert

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: hubbertb32@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Dwight Avery Hughes


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: hughesd200@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Amber M Huida

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: samuela@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Robert Hull

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: hullr137@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Neil W Humann

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: humannn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Meagan K Hummon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E 214
Email: moustym709@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Deanne L Hunt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2-126
Email: huntd266@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Laurence Huntington


Music Area DI

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: huntingtonl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Jillian J Huot

Director of Accreditation

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center L-106-3 Mail: L106
Email: huotj31@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7170

Matthew A Hurner

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC-118
Email: hurnerm634@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Daniel P Iannucci

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: iannuccid824@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Jessica M Iannucci


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center R-269-3 Mail: R163
Email: iannuccij84@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Susan L Ingesoulian

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: ingesoulians@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Sara A Ismail

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: ismails277@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Clark B Iverson


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: iversonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4763

Hannah Jaber

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: jaberh347@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Abbey T Jacobsen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: jacobsena@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Yasmine Jaffri

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: jaffriy527@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Jeremy James

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: jamesj990@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Robert John James


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-213 Mail: C200
Email: jamesr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4012

Ludmilla Jani

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-115 Mail: N114
Email: janil217@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Agnes Rose Jeffery

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN-114
Email: jefferya429@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Elizabeth A Jenaway


Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-218 Mail: A211
Email: jenawaye@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7412

Linda S Jenuwine


Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: Center F-109-2 Mail: F109-4
Email: jenuwinel@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2257

Anthony J Jesuale

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: jesualea26@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Mark S Jewett

"Assoc Dean Appl Tech, Auto & T"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-102-6 Mail: M 101
Email: jewettm79@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Fred R Jex


Business Admin Area Di

Office: Center A-217 Mail: A211
Email: jexf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2171

Suzanne Joelson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: joelsons@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7364

Denis L Johnson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South G-418 Mail: E-214
Email: johnsond859@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7143

Elise M Johnson

Associate Dean of Business

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: South C-212 Mail: C212
Email: johnsonem@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4119

Maria A Johnson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: johnsonma@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

John Paul Jones

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: ESTC 163
Email: jonesj073@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Laporsha C Jones


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Email: jonesl028@macomb.edu

Lonnell J Jones

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: jonesl035@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Melissa Jones

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CN-114
Email: jonesm602@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Nancy E Jones

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: jonesn841@macomb.edu

Nicole S Joseph


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-120 Mail: L 120
Email: josephn777@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2288

Robert T Joyce

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: joycer@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Eric R Julien

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-115 Mail: P136
Email: juliene183@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7119

John E Kacir


Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-19 Mail: ATC101
Email: kacirj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7459

Scott James Kacir

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: kacirs@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Craig K Kaercher

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Info Systems Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: kaercherc735@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-619-5495

Harvey N Kahl



Office: Center L-117-4 Mail: M125
Email: kahlh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4734

Matthew Kaluzny

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: kaluznym@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Nicole M Kamego

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising SC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: H103
Email: kamegon@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Michael J Kaminski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: kaminskim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7371

Cynthia Kane

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: kanec@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2228

Gerald E Kane

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: kaneg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Bryan Carl Kanne

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: kanneb008@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Scott A Kapfhamer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: kapfhamers03@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Gershon S Kaplan


Math Area SC

Office: South G-416 Mail: G419
Email: kaplang@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-349-8714

Nayiri Karapetian

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: e214
Email: karapetiann875@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Sarah E Karlis


English Area SC

Office: South F-304-1 Mail: E-214
Email: karliss729@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7371

Ziyad Kas

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: kasz906@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Lamar Kashat

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: kashatl731@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Alyxander Thomas Kasprzak


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: kasprzaka420@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jeffrey T Kass

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: kassj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2289

Steven R Katona

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: katonas432@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Chinmayi Kattemalavadi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South F-211 Mail: F211
Email: kattemalavadi13@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7345

Ronald Katz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: katzr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Joseph Keehn

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: keehnj840@macomb.edu

Patrick J Keena

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: keenap11@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Michael J Kehoe

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: kehoem974@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Todd R Keller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-212 Mail: SC-212
Email: kellert064@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Julia A Kelley

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2-126
Email: kelleyj56@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Mary Evelyn B Kelley


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-128 Mail: CJ 125
Email: kelleym@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2271

Laldinpuii Kellogg

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: kelloggl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Bernadette R Kelly

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: kellyb498@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Cathy J Kelly


Biology Area SC

Office: South B-404-4 Mail: B404
Email: kellyc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7121

Justin C Kelly

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: kellyj111@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Nelson A. Kelly

"Asst. Dir., Auto & Energy Proj"

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South S-148-1 Mail: S148
Email: kellyn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8619

Dan C Kendall

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: kendalld76@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Kate E Kennedy

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: kennedyk398@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Kimberly A Kennedy


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-15 Mail: CE-214
Email: kennedyk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7005

John P Kerfoot

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: kerfootj716@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Dawn E Kermizian

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: kermiziand@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7349

Karen S Kersten

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: kerstenk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Kay Kiekbusch

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: South D-217 Mail: D217
Email: kiekbuschk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4002

Jeffrey S King

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: kingj244@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Bryan Michael Kingry


Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-129 Mail: N114
Email: kingryb67@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2248

Beth N Kirshner


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-A121 Mail: CA114
Email: kirshnerb013@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2071

Susan Kirwan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: kirwans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Ronald K Kischuk


Music Area DI

Email: kischukr787@macomb.edu

Gerald F Klaft

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-SE-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: klaftg351@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Daniel J Klik

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: klikd713@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Lorene R Kline

Instructor of Dental Hygiene-

Dental Science

Office: South N-129-7 Mail: SN-100-2
Email: klinel322@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-349-8705

Jessica Knapp

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: knappj914@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Andrea L Knesek

Adjunct Faculty - ASC CC

Learning Center CC

Office: Center E-220-4 Mail: E214
Email: kneseka@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4798

Erika Jae Knieper

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P
Email: kniepere656@macomb.edu

Patrick Obrien Knight


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: knightp373@macomb.edu

Mary E Kocenda

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: kocendam399@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Dennis M Koch

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN 114
Email: kochd956@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Robert Koenigsmann

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: koenigsmannr896@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Amy B Kohl

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-N114 Mail: N-114
Email: kohla712@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Martin Kohl


Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-213 Mail: A211
Email: kohlm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2078

Joseph D Kohls

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-200 Mail: SC-200
Email: kohlsj966@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Robert Samuel Kokko

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: 118
Email: kokkor@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4025

Amanda Kole


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-C216 Mail: C200
Email: kolea@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2135

Elena Nicole Kolinski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: kolinskie094@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Desidera Kooswinarsinindyah

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: kooswinarsinindyahd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Amber L Koprin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: koprina489@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Emma N Kortekaas


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: kortekaase558@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Sharon L Korth

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: cicilians@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

John L Koss


Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-204 Mail: C200
Email: kossjo@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7166

Ryan S Kostanecki


Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN-114
Email: kostaneckir331@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Gerald Michael Kotasek

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: kotasekg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Diana L Kott

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: kottd432@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Kevin J Kowalik

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: kowalikk743@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Michael Krafchak

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: krafchakm080@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Joel D Kramer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-SM-101 Mail: SM-101
Email: kramerj601@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7480

Scott Allen Kramer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: kramers025@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jessica Marie Kranson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE214
Email: kransonj441@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jessica Lynn Krause


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: krausej579@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

David M Kravis

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: kravisd304@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Leigh C Krizek


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: grantl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8644

Sharlene M Kroneck

Academic Advisor SC

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-351 Mail: SG370
Email: kronecks@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7993

Jason Thomas Kropf

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: kropfj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-495-4055

Andrew Kuhs

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: kuhsa36@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Kelly E Kullman

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST-118
Email: kullmank57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Scott B Kuzma

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area CC

Office: South J-114 Mail: J114
Email: kuzmas@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7488

Jelani Kyles

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Email: kylesj759@macomb.edu

Kevin J LaBonty

Director Business Info Service

Computing Services

Office: Center S-110 Mail: S110
Email: labontyk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7104

Natalie M Lafehr

Adjunct Counselor

Special Needs Area DI

Office: South G-330 Mail: SG-370
Email: lafehrn356@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7873

Sharon M Lafferty

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182 Mail: CR163
Email: laffertys@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Timothy M LaFriniere

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: lafrinieret073@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Kurtis W LaHaie


Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-117 Mail: M101
Email: lahaiek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7267

Kelly Ann Laity


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-131 Mail: CJ 125
Email: laityk88@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8631

David Alan Lambert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: lambertd656@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Julie Lambert


Art Area Di

Office: South L-113 Mail: L117
Email: lambertj732@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4048

Laura J Lambert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: lambertl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Steven K Lambert

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: lamberts071@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Mario P Lamberti

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: lambertim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Kevin J Lamiman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: lamimank@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Sean J Landis

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: landiss126@macomb.edu

Carly Sue Landry


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: landryc202@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Robyn Lynn Lange

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E-214
Email: langer257@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Denise A Lanni

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: South J-325 Mail: J 325
Email: lannid46@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7400

Ryan Lapensee

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Email: lapenseer778@macomb.edu

Teresa A Lardner

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: lardnert150@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Matthew A Larivee

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: EST 110
Email: lariveem502@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Jonathan H Lathers


Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: South F-204-3 Mail: E215
Email: lathersj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7865

Padmavathi Lathers


Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: South F-204-2 Mail: E-214
Email: lathersp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4163

Amanda K Lattie

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center R-182 Mail: R-163
Email: lattiea763@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Laurie Ann Latvis

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163 Mail: R182
Email: latvisl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Leonard Frederick Laurence-Probert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: laurence-probertl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Haley Jo Laurila

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-C151 Mail: CC151
Email: laurilah396@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2056

Robert S Law

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: lawr689@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Terri Lawrence

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: lawrencet11@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2138

Chloe Leavings

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: leavingsc427@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Melissa Leaym-Fernandez

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area SC

Office: Center N-CN 114 Mail: CN 114
Email: leaym-fernandezm377@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Gordon J Lee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: leego@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Kristen A Lee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: leek819@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Larry A Lee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: leel979@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Ryan R Lemasters

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: lemastersr146@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Gordon A Lenz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: lenzg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Brett Maston Lepley

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: lepleyb368@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Noah L Lesner

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: lesnern893@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Hila Y Levy


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-7 Mail: CE-214
Email: levyh057@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4797

Xuemei Li

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: lix165@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Yang Li

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: liy532@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2288

Joy A Liechty

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: liechtyj272@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Nicholas J Lienemann

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: lienemannn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Erika Lile

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: C311
Email: lilee99@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Norman W Liljegren

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: liljegrenn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Joshua Barret Linkewitz


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: linkewitzj845@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Angela M Little

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE
Email: littlea@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Dwayne E Little

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

History Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: littled@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

William C Little

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: littlew@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Gabriella M Locher

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-SJ-228 Mail: J 228
Email: locherg159@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Colleen A Locicero

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-1 Mail: CE-214
Email: raleighc902@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Marcus A Lockett

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: lockettm845@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

James S Lofquist

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: lofquistj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Julie H Lofquist


Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-211 Mail: C200
Email: lofquistjh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7154

Mary L Logan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E219
Email: loganm269@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2136

Laura M Lograsso


Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-233 Mail: CJ 125
Email: lograssol@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2006

Megan Frances Lonergan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-233-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: reidtm804@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Michael Joseph Lopez

"Director, Public Service Insti"

Public Service Inst Gen Adm

Office: Center A-117 Mail: A124
Email: lopezm263@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4066

Steven Lorber

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: lorbers@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2138

Kyle L Lorentzen

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: lorentzenk597@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Carmen Lorenzo Hoyos

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: SC311
Email: lorenzohoyosc765@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Lori A Lotito

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-370 Mail: G370
Email: lotitol@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Annette G Lozen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: lozena64@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Krystina L Lubitz


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-7 Mail: E214
Email: lubitzk689@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2260

Elizabeth A Lucas


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-9 Mail: E214
Email: lucase49@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2119

Marnie L Lucas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163 Mail: CR163
Email: lucasm536@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Kyle Thomas Lugar

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P Mail: SP
Email: lugark831@macomb.edu

Vincent J Lumetta

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: lumettav@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Drake Eric Lundquist


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: lundquistd776@macomb.edu

Andrew D Lupo

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: lupoa877@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Elonia Lusha


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-227 Mail: N114
Email: lushae@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2070

Mary E Lutfy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: lutfym@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Donald A Lux

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: luxd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Ellen M Lux

Director CIE BIT & Cont Ed

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: luxe30@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2160

Ian D MacDonald

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: macdonaldi905@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Christopher Michael Mace

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: 118
Email: macec890@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Michael Richard MacKenzie

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: ESTC-110
Email: mackenziem197@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Stacey Christine Macleod

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: macleods@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Karen A Madden

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-182 Mail: R-163
Email: maddenk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Matthew F Maes

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: maesm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Ryan Mejia Mahadocon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M-115
Email: mahadoconr109@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Vaishali M Mahimkar

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CN1114
Email: mahimkarv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Sidi M Maiga

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: maigas756@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2286

Paul Andrew Maiorana


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center R-163 Mail: R163
Email: maioranap113@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Renee Majeski

Counselor - Probationary 225 D

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: South G-370 Mail: H103
Email: majeskir@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7163

Kristen E Maki

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: makik812@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Ryan L Malloch

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H227
Email: mallochr48@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4121

Jennifer R Manatine


Business Admin Area Di

Office: Center A-224 Mail: A 224
Email: gornickij@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7176

Samir F Mandwee

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mandwees@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Joann Manetta

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: manettaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Kevin E Mankowski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: mankowskik482@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Wafa Y Manna

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: mannaw980@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

David Mansfield

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: East 118
Email: mansfieldd242@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Shacara V Mapp

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H227
Email: mapps022@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Nicholas L Marcelletti

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: J106
Email: marcellettin@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2138

Donna Marino


English Area SC

Office: South F-204-1 Mail: E-214
Email: marinod@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7370

John T Marino

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: estc 118
Email: marinoj296@macomb.edu

Richard Marino

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-141 Mail: R124
Email: marinor@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7456

Emanuela Marionni

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: Center N-CN-114 Mail: CN-114
Email: marionnie622@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Steven M Marjieh

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R-124
Email: marjiehs719@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Ameera Markos

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: markosa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Douglas R Marlow


Facil Design& Construct S C

Office: South M-218 Mail: M101
Email: marlowd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7452

Nicholas Marowsky

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: marowskyn44@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2138

Yoselyn Marquez-Leon


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-35 Mail: ATC101
Email: marquezy@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7189

Brenda G Marriott

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: marriottb101@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Matthew A Marsiglio

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: marsigliom@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Mark Jeffry Martel


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: martelm706@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Christopher T Martin

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 110
Email: martinc062@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Colleen M Martin

Academic Advisor SC

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-361 Mail: SG370
Email: martinc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7165

Elena C Martin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311
Email: martine885@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Eric L Martin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: Center F-F109-4 Mail: F109-4
Email: martine@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Roland L Martin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: martinr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

John Masi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: masij@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Sabahat Masood

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South F Mail: F204-7
Email: masoods@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Vincent M Mastronardi

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: mastronardiv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Tammy R Matheney-Brown

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: South E-219 Mail: E219
Email: brownt716@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7210

Saroj P Mathupala

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E-214
Email: mathupalas063@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Michael Matouk

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: matoukm73@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Eric T Matte

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mattee11@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Scott W Matthew

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: matthews@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-2046

Nefertiti A Matthews

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE Mail: offsite
Email: matthewsn595@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4772

Drew A Matzke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: matzked@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Eldonna L May

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: maye@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Heather L Mayernik

Reading Support Faculty

Learning Center SC

Office: South F-304-4 Mail: E214
Email: mayernikh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7356

Zoulfekar Mazloum

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: mazloumz403@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Evagelia Mazur

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mazure@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Michaela M McAloon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: mcaloonm463@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Annette McCain

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: mccaina@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7298

Russel McCauley

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: mccauleyr652@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Leslie L McClenic

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: mcclenicl366@macomb.edu

Edward James McClure

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: mccluree864@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kimberly S McCool

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: mccoolk342@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7346

Angela McCormick


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: mccormicka012@macomb.edu

Nicholas Reece McCormick


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: mccormickn545@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Scott A McDonald

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: mcdonalds@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Lynnea M McFadden

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E-214
Email: mcfaddenl624@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Nancy J McGee


English Area SC

Office: South F-304-5 Mail: E214
Email: mcgeen@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7203

Tracee D McIntosh

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: mcintosht@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4051

Michael Stewart McIntyre


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: mcintyrem822@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Ronald McIvor

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: mcivorr786@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Jeffrey A McKeen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: mckeenj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Andrew D McKinney

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: mckinneya705@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7345

Angela M McLean


Management Area DI

Office: South C-206 Mail: C200
Email: mcleana@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7216

Lisa C McMillen

"AD, Arts & Sciences Math"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: mcmillenl979@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2066

Sandra M McMullen

Counselor - 225 Day CC

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: H103
Email: mcmullens@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4967

Saleta R McMurray

"Program Manager, Apprenticeshi"

Engineering Tech Dean's Office

Office: South S-148 Mail: S148
Email: mcmurrays36@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7127

Cortni R McNamara

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: mcnamarac@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Matthew Timothy McPhillips

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: mcphillipsm383@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Zachary Meckl

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC Mail: EST C
Email: mecklz091@macomb.edu

Sydney Elizabeth Media


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: medias055@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Matthew G Meerhaeghe

Academic Advisor SC

Academic Advising SC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: CH103
Email: meerhaeghem@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7236

Sara-Rose Melby

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: 104
Email: melbys662@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Robert V Mele


Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-220-5 Mail: E214
Email: meler@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2199

Rosanne Melnychenko

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: melnychenkor@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Peter J Mercurio

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: mercuriop621@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

David J Merrell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: merrelld29@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Tierra Marie Merriwether

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: merriwethert153@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2282

Michael K Mertens

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: mertensm97@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Jason D Messana


Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-315 Mail: C311-1
Email: messanaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4155

Jennifer A Metzger

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Sociology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: metzgerj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7109

Joseph O Mezza

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: mezzaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Joseph Michalewicz


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-141 Mail: CJ 125
Email: michalewiczj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2280

Jeffrey C Middleton

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: middletonj492@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Michael J Mielke


Eng Tech Indust Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-9 Mail: ATC101
Email: mielkem81@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7209

James Paul Mietling

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: mietlingjrj710@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Lisa N Mikitch


Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-123 Mail: N114
Email: mikitchl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2132

Kody Mikula


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: mikulak356@macomb.edu

Saliah G Miles

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: miless590@macomb.edu

Katlin R Mileski

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: mileskik282@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4121

Faith E Miller


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-229 Mail: N114
Email: millerf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2018

Heather E Miller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223 Mail: e214
Email: millerh690@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jason W Miller


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: millerj118@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Karen M Miller


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-6 Mail: CE-214
Email: millerk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2013

Mindy Leigh Miller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: millerm626@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2286

Sarah B Miller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: millers915@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Karen Minchella

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: minchellak@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Mary Genevieve Miodowski


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: miodowskim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2126

Mher Mirijanian

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-200 Mail: SC200
Email: mirijanianm565@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Narine B Mirijanian

"Dean, Health/Public Services"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center E-219-5 Mail: E214
Email: mirijaniann225@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4124

Andrea M Misho

OTA Lab Supervisor

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-216 Mail: E214
Email: mishoa103@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4778

Cynthia M Misiak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: misiakc749@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Crystal De'nae Mitchell

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-356 Mail: G 370
Email: mitchellc688@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Gary Mitchell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mitchellg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Noreen D Mitchell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: mitchelln29@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2415

Todd E Mitchell


Art Area Di

Office: Center L-117 Mail: N114
Email: mitchellt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2166

Barinder M Mohini

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: bhavrab@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Kelly Jo Molloy

Adjunct Instructor - Dental Sc

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: molloyk679@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Ryan M Monroe

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: CA-124
Email: monroer760@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

James Michael Montante

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: montantej@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Dean Moore

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: moored@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4000

Ralph H Moore

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: moorerh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Andrew Martin Moran

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST121
Email: morana498@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

Nicholas Paolo Moran


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: morann368@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Aaron C Morandini

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: morandinia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Sean C Morris

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Email: morriss164@macomb.edu

Erik Mortenson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: mortensone423@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2280

Shawn A Mortier

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: mortiers@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Shellie Morton Jones

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mortons@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Todd K Moses


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117-4 Mail: L-117
Email: mosest098@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4734

Christopher S Moshier

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: moshierc518@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Meghan M Mott

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-128
Email: mottme@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7401

Daniel Mulder

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: mulderd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Phillina Stephanie Mullin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2-126
Email: mullinp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Paulina M Multhaupt


Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-133 Mail: N114
Email: multhauptp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2245

Christine Ann Munerantz

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103-22 Mail: H103
Email: munerantzc54@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2228

Radoslav Murdza

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: murdzar29@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Brandon M-T Murphy

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST-112
Email: murphyb934@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Deborah C Murphy

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE-n/a Mail: n/a
Email: murphyd774@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Matthew Daryl Myers

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: myersm331@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Collin Jacob Myny


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC Mail: ESTC
Email: mynyc730@macomb.edu

Dylan Nabozny

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: naboznyd910@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Keith M Nabozny


Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-214 Mail: 200
Email: naboznyk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7304

Nisha S Naik

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: naikn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Noor D Najim

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: H 103
Email: najimn301@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Christopher S Nally

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: nallyc168@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Christopher Napier


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: napierc37@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Danielle Marie Nash


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: nashd849@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Daniela A Natcheva

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: natchevad@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Elizabeth C Natter

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: nattere@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Cynthia A Naughton

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: naughtonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Thomas R Neal

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: nealt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Lisa J Neal-Gillim

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: neal-gilliml@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-486-2145

Camilla N Nelson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: South P-P-113 Mail: SP113
Email: nelsonc491@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7345

Dustin J Nelson

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: nelsond609@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Michael S Nelson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: C311
Email: nelsonm045@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Sophie M Neslund

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: neslunds242@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Elizabeth Ness


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-13 Mail: E214
Email: nesse@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2192

Ryan Neuville

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: neuviller188@macomb.edu

Chad A Nevison

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: nevisonc657@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Thomas G Newell

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: newellt349@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Brian M Newman


Business Admin Area Di

Office: Center A-216 Mail: A211
Email: newmanb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7309

Cheri S Newman

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: newmanc364@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Ted W Nicodemus

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: nicodemust@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Greta R Nielubowicz


Biology Area SC

Office: South B-404-2 Mail: B404
Email: nielubowiczg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-447-8661

Laurie L Niemer


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-10 Mail: E214
Email: niemerl03@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2150

Caroline S Nissan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: nissanc14@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Larry Kimbal Norville

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: norvillel@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Jeffrey Ryan Novak


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: novakj202@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2127

Jeffrey A Nowowiecki

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: nowowieckij288@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Jonathan Oaks


Math Area SC

Office: South G-414 Mail: G419
Email: oaksj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7111

Lindsey M Obarzanek

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: C 214
Email: obarzanekl193@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Marie O'Brien

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H227
Email: obrienm33@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Cedar Elizabeth Ochab

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F211
Email: lowec@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Scott A O'Farrell


Cul Arts & Hos Area CC

Office: Center K-127 Mail: A109
Email: ofarrells@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4741

Barbara Ogar


Music Area DI

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: ogarb293@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Coleen Young O'Gara

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E-214
Email: ogarac976@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Debra A Oleksy

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: oleksyd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Emilio Olivarez


English Area SC

Office: South F-204-4 Mail: E214
Email: olivareze@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4109

Catherine M Oliver

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P152
Email: oliverc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7300

Robert A Olkowski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Email: olkowskir115@macomb.edu

Samantha Nicole Olson Mangum

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: olsons619@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Kevin M O'Neil

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA-211
Email: oneilk964@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Mary Kay Osgood

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-217 Mail: D217
Email: questm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Richard Osgood

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-217 Mail: D217
Email: osgoodr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Thomas Ostrowski

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST118
Email: ostrowskit@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Dale P Ott

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: J 228
Email: ottd958@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Mark Bradley Owen


Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: owenm78@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2176

William R Pace

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST-118
Email: pacew@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Jeffrey John Packett

"Director, Fire Training Ctr"

Public Service Inst Gen Adm

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 110
Email: packettj740@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Jay Kashyap Padhya

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Contract Training

Office: Center H-227 Mail: CH 227
Email: padhyaj601@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Louis A Palombit

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N-114
Email: palombitl349@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Gina L Palombo


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-9 Mail: E 220
Email: palombog773@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2032

Dana S Panetta

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: panettad@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7102

Lindsey Pappas

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E118
Email: pappasl518@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4051

Dean M Parent

Spec. Proj. Ins. WCE-EAT

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building 104 Mail: MTEC 104
Email: parentd759@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498.4100

Catherine Louise Parker

"Ad, Arts & Sciences Hum"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center N-120 Mail: N 120
Email: parkerc579@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2140

Max Parks

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: parksm775@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Alan Parman


Biology Area SC

Office: South B-404-3 Mail: B404
Email: parmana@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7255

Matthew C Parmelee


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: parmeleem53@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Nicole Parnell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: parnelln32@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7305

Jon Claude Parry

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: parryj389@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Amoreena Parsons

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Geography Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: parsonsa36@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Kelsey Maiia Parsons

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: Center R-163 Mail: R 163
Email: parsonsk096@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Dale Lee Partin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: partind@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2147

Dolora A Paull

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: paulld@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Andrew J Pawlik

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: pawlika@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4065

Timothy Martin Pawlowski

Apprenticeship Coordinator- Pr

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-22 Mail: ATCB 101
Email: pawlowskit647@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7107

Emily E Payton


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: paytone979@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Kenneth Wilfred Payton


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: Ca 114
Email: paytonk666@macomb.edu
Phone: 2189

James C Pecar


Macomb Center

Office: Center M-136 Mail: M125
Email: pecarj325@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2044

Tiffany L Pecorilli

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: pellt896@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Scott Peller


English Area SC

Office: South F-304-6 Mail: E214
Email: pellers@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7367

Robert S Penkala

Director of Career Services

Career Services Di

Office: South G-309 Mail: G309
Email: penkalar@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7636

Jessica Marie Pepper

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: pepperj161@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Laura L Perdomo

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: perdomol219@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Tracy N Perry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: perryt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Inna Pervukhina-Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: pervukhina-smithi739@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Gerald A Pesta

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: pestag65@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

George Peters

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: petersg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Margaret Kassa Peters

Adjunct Fac - WCE-EAT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTEC104
Email: petersm797@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Donna M Petras

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: University Center UC1-201 Mail: 100
Email: petrasd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-263-6266

Susanna Petrosyan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J-106
Email: petrosyans029@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2286

Anelia N Petrov-Hristov

Pt Reading/Writing Consultant

Reading Writing Center

Office: Center C-105 Mail: C 105
Email: petrov-hristova883@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-5216

Kiel E. Phegley

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: phegleyk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Daniel S Phillips

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: phillipsd979@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Lisa Marie Phillips

Internship Coordinator - 225 F

Career Services Di

Office: South G-309 Mail: SG309
Email: phillipsl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7879

Patrina G Pica-Kras

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E314
Email: pica-krasp07@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Lewis A Piccoli

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South M-SM-108 Mail: SM-101
Email: piccolil492@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4022

Justin T Pike


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: pikej137@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Scott R Pike

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: pikes838@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Joseph M Piro

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: piroj648@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Lance Pittman

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC
Email: pittmanl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-615-8127

Elizabeth I Pitts

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-N129 Mail: SN129
Email: pittse519@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Michael Placco


History Area - CC

Office: Center N-127 Mail: N114
Email: placcom@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2128

Kimberly G. Plater

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: platerk896@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Elizabeth E Plevinski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: donevskie852@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Carol G Plisner


Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-220-14 Mail: E214
Email: plisnerc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2031

John Joseph Plotzke V

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: plotzkevj126@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Brian C Plough

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: ploughb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Jason A Poole

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: pooleja@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Sean M Porter


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-123 Mail: A123
Email: porters182@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Irina Pospelova-Mills

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: pospelova-millsI12@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Kristin G Potter

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: potterk751@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7157

Christopher Powell

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: powellc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Raymond A Powell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: powellr628@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Alan K Poynter

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P152
Email: poyntera@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-3551

Kushum A Prasad

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-106 Mail: CN-114
Email: prasadk742@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Daniel B Prater


Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-111 Mail: M101
Email: praterd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7015

Felicia M Preece

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: preecef98@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Edward Priebe

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Info Systems Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: priebee@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Michelle Pringle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: pringlem316@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2282

Kelly R Prisby

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: prisbyk260@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Marie Pritchett

"Dean, Arts and Sciences"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: South D-211 Mail: SD211
Email: pritchettm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7315

Samuel T Pruitt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: pruitts@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Shannon L Przywara

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: Center R-163 Mail: SP-152
Email: przywaras051@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4770

Stephanie Lynn Puchalski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-212 Mail: SC-212
Email: caramagnos074@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Boban B Pulkovski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: pulkovskib@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Darrett J Pullins

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: pullinsd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Maureen E Puma

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: pumam743@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jacquelyn K Pursel

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: South E-214 Mail: F211
Email: purselj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Heather Pusta


Cul Arts & Hos Area CC

Office: Center K-127-2 Mail: K127-1
Email: pustah53@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2088

William C Quigley

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: quigleyw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2089

Julia Raccosta


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: raccostaj832@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Krista A Rachow

RN Lab Supervisor

HHS Nursing CC

Office: South C-125 Mail: SC 125
Email: rachowk489@macomb.edu

Douglas Radtke

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: radtked532@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Carla S Ragan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-335 Mail: C335
Email: raganc506@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Amine Rahmouni El Idrissi


Foreign Language Area DI

Office: Center N-117 Mail: N114
Email: rahmounielidrissia@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-5238

Maria Ramos


Foreign Language Area DI

Office: Center N-225 Mail: N114
Email: ramosm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2117

Taylor Joanne Randall


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: randallt387@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Daniel Riley Rapp

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: rappd920@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Jodie R Rau

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: langtryj978@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Justin Raupp

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: rauppj688@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Jacob Raymond

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South
Email: raymondj722@macomb.edu

Lisa Reed

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: reedl085@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2282

Matthew Colin Reeves

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: reevesm208@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Nancy M Reinke

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H227
Email: reinken605@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4722

Colby Reinking

"Academic Advisor, Prob SC"

Academic Advising SC

Office: South G-G 364 Mail: G367-1
Email: reinkingc276@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7006

Karly Nicole Renaud

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: wingartk036@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Sean J Renkert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: renkerts177@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Valerie Lopez Rennon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-CE-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: rennonv627@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jeffrey Reynolds

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: reynoldsj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Michael Ricci

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: riccim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Clinton Mackenzie Rice

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: ricec931@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Edward A Rice


History Area SC

Office: South E-312-5 Mail: E314
Email: ricee@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7231

Joseph T Rice


Business Admin Area Di

Office: Center A-225 Mail: A211
Email: ricej@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2040

Lisa A Richter


Facil Design& Construct S C

Office: South M-110-23 Mail: M101
Email: richterl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7191

Edward L Rickard

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: rickarde732@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Jennifer M Ricken

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South J-228 Mail: J228
Email: rickenj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7779

Cameron Matthew Rieper

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: rieperc580@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

James R Riley

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: rileyj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4000

Christopher C Rinna

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: rinnac061@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Donna Ritchie

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: ritchied615@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kayla Roberge


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 124
Email: robergek132@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Patricia A Roberson


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-122 Mail: A 114
Email: robersonp013@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2188

Terence O Roberts

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Science Area District

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: robertst@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Carolyn D Robinson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: robinsonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Christopher Robinson


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: robinsonc101@macomb.edu

Meri Ann Robinson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-220-1 Mail: E 214
Email: robinsonm295@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2293

Susan F Roche

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: roches@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2058

Douglas P Rodriguez

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: rodriguezp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Kyion S Roebuck

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: roebuckk455@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Gary D. Roesler

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: roeslerg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Valerie M Romanczyk

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center OFFSITE-Remote
Email: romanczykv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Olivia Rose Romano

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: romanoo937@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Marcie R Rosario

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE214
Email: millerm062@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Rita Rosati

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: D212
Email: rosatir02@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Douglas Danial Rose

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: rosed@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4025

Cheryl A Rosiek

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE
Email: rosiekc@macomb.edu

Connie D Rossman

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: rossmanc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Matthew Douglas Rossow


Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-113 Mail: M101
Email: rossowm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7227

Angela J Rouhib

Instructor of Dental Hygiene-

Dental Science

Office: South N-129-8 Mail: SN-129
Email: rouhiba759@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

Patrick L Rouse

"WCE Dir, Eng & Adv Tech"

Wkfc & Cont Ed Eng & App Tech

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-105 Mail: MTC-105
Email: rousep933@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4108

Sherry S Rozak

Instructor - Temporary

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: rozaks526@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4847

David C Rozman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: rozmand@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Nicholas Scott Ruby

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: ESTC 110
Email: rubyn601@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Philip J Ruggeri

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: ruggerip@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Nina Marie Rupkus


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: fieldsn177@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Erin K Russell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: hahne553@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Peter Rustad

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Interdisc Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 214
Email: rustadp057@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Alan J Rutter

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: ruttera356@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Christina R Rybicki

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: rybickic@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Nikki Lynn Rydell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: rydelln707@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Matthew P Sabaugh

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: sabaughm609@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Michael Sabbagh

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: sabbaghm438@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Diane M Sacra

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: sacrad@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Manella Ella Sadikovic

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: sadikovicm070@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Joseph F Sadorski


Geology Area DI

Office: South G-430 Mail: E214
Email: sadorskij304@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7319

Darryl R Sage

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 118
Email: saged238@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Kathleen Sak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: sakk10@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Moshtaba Saleh

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: salehm484@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4010

Eva S Samulski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: samulskie@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-416-5239

Mitchell Lawrence Sand

Adjunct Fac-Comm Svc-NC

Health & Safety Training

Email: sandm134@macomb.edu

Sabrina Sanders

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C 125
Email: sanderss328@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Elizabeth A Santamaria

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: CE-214
Email: prybyse386@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Shaun W Sarcona


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-20 Mail: ATC101
Email: sarconas@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7443

David J Sarvello

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E118
Email: sarvellod205@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Timothy Martin Sassanella

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-J106 Mail: J106
Email: sassanellat@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Kelly M Saullo

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: Center R-163 Mail: R163
Email: saullok@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4804

Brian M Sauriol

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: sauriolb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Frenchy Savage

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-1 Mail: CE-214
Email: savagef473@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Thomas A Savage

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: savaget11@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7639

Penelope I Saville

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A-124
Email: savillep486@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Linda M Sawyer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Exercise Sc

Office: Center R-163 Mail: CR163
Email: sawyerl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4770

Paul C Sbraccia

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: sbracciap@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2214

Jeffrey G Scaife

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 163
Email: scaifej410@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4021

Nicholas S Scardino

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: scardinon468@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Curtis C Schabath

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: CA211
Email: schabathc137@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Kris M Schaedig

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: South E-SE-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: schaedigk338@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Carl Matthew Schafer


Geology Area DI

Office: Center J-235 Mail: J125
Email: schaferc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2154

Randy Schantz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: schantzr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Matthew C Scheffler

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: schefflerm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Christine M Scherer

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: schererc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Heidi Schick


Business Admin Area Di

Office: South C-210 Mail: SC200
Email: schickh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7194

Sylvester D Schilling

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: schillings99@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Christopher M Schimers

Librarian SC

Library Area SC

Office: South J-210 Mail: J210
Email: schimersc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7442

George Michael Schleis


Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-229 Mail: A211
Email: schleisg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2214

Aaron Matthew Schmid

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: schmida305@macomb.edu

Theodore Schnitz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: schnitzt27@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Ryan M Schroerlucke

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: CA124
Email: schroerlucker344@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Larry K Schultz

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East 163 Mail: 163
Email: schultzl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4060

Lori J Schumann

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: G419
Email: schumannl@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

John Schwall

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: 118
Email: schwallj85@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4025

Brandon Paul Schwartz


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E163
Email: schwartzb569@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Felicia Scott


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-135 Mail: J125
Email: scottf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2061

Gregory A Scott

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163-7
Email: scottg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Stuart O Scott


Humanities Area CC

Office: Center B-108-2 Mail: N114
Email: scotts@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2277

Michael J Sculthorpe

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M 101
Email: sculthorpem641@macomb.edu
Phone: 7012

Donna M Sebastian

Tutor 3

Learning Center CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN 114
Email: sebastiand919@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Mariea E Seefried


Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-220-8 Mail: E214
Email: seefriedm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2076

Karen J Seelbach

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F211
Email: seelbachk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Jennifer A Seger


Eng Tech Indust Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-13 Mail: ATC101
Email: segerj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7326

Jason Andrew Seitz

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA-114
Email: seitzj333@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

James J Selewski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E163
Email: selewskij22@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Adam C Semaan

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: EST 118
Email: semaana101@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Emil E Semaan

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-H227 Mail: H227
Email: semaane@macomb.edu

Paul C Semaan

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-112 Mail: EST 112
Email: semaanp178@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Aayush Sethi

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Center H-227 Mail: H 227
Email: sethia731@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4010

Kyle Severini

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: severinik658@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Carolyn Sevin

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: sevinc114@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Lawrence R Shackett

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: EST 118
Email: shackettl777@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Martin Shafer


Communications Area Sc

Office: South C-318 Mail: C 318
Email: shaferm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7144

Shoaib Shafquat

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: shafquats@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Faisal Shakeel

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: shakeelf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Salah M Shalan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: 114
Email: shalans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Manisha Sharan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ106
Email: sharanm252@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Andrea L Shaw

Associate Dean of Health & Hum

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center E-219-4 Mail: E214
Email: shawa511@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2085

Deanna L Sheehan


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-27 Mail: R124
Email: sheehand@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Shawn Sheehan


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-37 Mail: ATC101
Email: sheehans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7221

Adam T Sheen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: sheena924@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7513

Shirley A Sherrick-Escamilla

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E214
Email: sherrick-escamils002@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Jeffrey O Shields


Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-17 Mail: ST-110
Email: shieldsj594@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Norimichi Shirakabe

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-217 Mail: D217
Email: shirakaben964@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Souhare A Shkoukani

"Counselor - Probationary, 225"

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-342 Mail: G 370
Email: shkoukanis40@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7220

Rachael Brooke Shoff

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Veterinary Technician CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: E214
Email: stantonr595@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Frank J Shuler

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: 163
Email: shulerf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Ionela D Sidebottom

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: sidebottomi@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Melinda M Siebert

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C 125
Email: siebertm050@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Nathan R Sier

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: siern095@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Jaspreet Sikand

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Communications Area Sc

Office: South C-311 Mail: C-311
Email: sikandj706@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Rupreet S Sikand

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: sikandr285@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Catherine C Sikorski


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-15 Mail: E214
Email: sikorskic@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2193

Hana B Simman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: simmanh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Christina A Simon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: simonc003@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Scott M Simpson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Cul Arts & Hos Area CC

Office: Center K-127 Mail: A109
Email: simpsons46@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Sheabra Simpson-Hughes

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-314 Mail: SE214
Email: simpson-hughess840@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Gregory Sims

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-106 Mail: J106
Email: simsg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Susan L Sims

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE Mail: offsite
Email: simss767@macomb.edu

David Sirka

Librarian - Probationary

Library Area SC

Office: South J-211 Mail: J 224
Email: sirkad862@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7401

John Phillip Skelly

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-111 Mail: EST118
Email: skellyj386@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Ann M Skinner

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-217 Mail: C-200
Email: skinnera994@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Timothy D Skonieczny


Science Area CC

Office: Center J-230 Mail: J125
Email: skoniecznyt@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2005

Jon Thomas Skrip


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East Mail: EST
Email: skripj018@macomb.edu

Joseph S Skupin

"Counselor, Student Access Serv"

Special Needs Area DI

Office: South G-334 Mail: G370
Email: skupinj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7516

Anne Violet Slaughter


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: slaughtera907@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Zachary Michael Slezak


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: slezakz684@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Iryna Slobodyan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE214
Email: slobodyani205@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

John E Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: smithjohn@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Karen J Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: smithk686@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Matthew S Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: smithm647@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Michael C Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: smithmi@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Vern Jason Smith

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: Center A-211 Mail: A-211
Email: smithv349@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Bridget Smith-Botos

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E 314
Email: smith-botosb400@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Kristin A Snyder

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: snyderk749@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Teresa M Snyder

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: snydert57@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Christine A Sobczak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: sobczakc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2146

Carson Solomon

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Email: solomonc048@macomb.edu

Andrew J Somes

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: estc 118
Email: somesa855@macomb.edu

Shelby R Somes

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E214
Email: somess226@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Glenn A Sopfe

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: sopfeg26@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Jesus P Soriano

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: sorianoj438@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

William M Soule


Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-31 Mail: ATC101
Email: souleb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4196

Molli R Spalter


Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120-4 Mail: CB-120-4
Email: spalterm206@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Wendi Sparks

Associate Dean of Dental Scien

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: sparksw649@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7161

Timothy D Speck

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Political Science Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: speckt645@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Mark David Spencer

PATA non-credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST-118
Email: spencerm05@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Michelle Ann Spencer

Instructor of Dental Hygiene-

Dental Science

Office: South N-129-7 Mail: SN-129
Email: spencerm993@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-349-8904

Tony V Spina

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E163
Email: spinat259@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Daniel J Sporer

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-217 Mail: D217
Email: sporerd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7605

Harrison Stackpole

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-200 Mail: C200
Email: stackpoleh092@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Kenneth G Staelgraeve


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118-1 Mail: East 118
Email: staelgraevek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4991

Joseph Kenneth Stalinski


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-163-4 Mail: E163
Email: stalinskij394@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Destinie Stansberry-Cantrell

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: stansberryd923@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Kyle M Stark

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Info Systems Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: starkk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Gerald R Steinard

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: steinardg904@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Emily S Stephens

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN-114
Email: stephense359@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Rebecca K Stevens

Learning Center Lead Tutor

Learning Center CC

Office: Center C-116 Mail: C151
Email: stevensr894@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2201

Sherry Lynn Stillman

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: stillmans@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Laurie A Stipes

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center UC2-233 Mail: UC2-126
Email: stipesl31@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kendall E Stoll

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-152 Mail: P 152
Email: stollk360@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7512

Jerilee K Stonewall

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: stonewallj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4793

Tina A Stopczynski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: E-214
Email: stopczynskit067@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Brian P Story

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-126 Mail: R124
Email: storyb65@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Jacqueline D St. Peter


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: st.peterj026@macomb.edu

Justin R Strassburg

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: strassburgj275@macomb.edu

Adam Stuck


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: stucka017@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Matthew Sucharski


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: sucharskim323@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Julian Paul Sugameli

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-209 Mail: SC-200
Email: sugamelij244@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7176

Deborah Sukenic

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-370 Mail: G 370
Email: sukenicd625@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999

Kimberly S Sukkar

Adjunct Counselor

Career & Acad Counseling CC

Office: Center H-103-8 Mail: H 114
Email: sukkark@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2228

Michelle A Suminski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: suminskim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Catherine Rose Sweeney

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: sweeneyc442@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Gina A Sweet

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: r124
Email: sweetg441@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Cassandra A Swiderski

Director of Inclusive Curricul

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center L-106-2 Mail: L 106
Email: swiderskic@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7778

Kathy Szajna

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C125
Email: szajnakathy@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4034

Shane Michael Szeszycki

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: S101
Email: szeszyckis382@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7007

Samantha Marie Szylak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South T-ST110 Mail: ST 110
Email: szylaks266@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Kristen Tait

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: taitk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Amanda M Talbot


Biology Area SC

Office: South B-404-9 Mail: B404
Email: talbota@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4013

Jonia Tamburi

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Communications Area Sc

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: tamburij53@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Mohamad Tarabah

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: tarabahm806@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4050

Karin Tarpenning Szadyr

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: tarpenning-szadyrk40@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

David W Tarrant

MORE Program Director

SOAR Program

Office: Center M-126 Mail: M135
Email: tarrantd961@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7449

Jennifer M Tate


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-16 Mail: E 214
Email: tatej660@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Laura Ann Taylor

Librarian CC

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-164 Mail: C 151
Email: taylorla@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7419

Thorin Teague

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN 114
Email: teaguet237@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Marianne M Tear


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-217 Mail: E214
Email: tearm588@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2231

Deborah L Tedrick

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: tedrickd516@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Renee D Tegel

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-200 Mail: SC200
Email: tegelr335@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

John M Tereshinski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: tereshinskij@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Annette M Ternullo

"AD, Arts & Sciences COMM"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: Center B-120-1 Mail: B 120
Email: ternulloa289@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4998

Anthony Terry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: terrya@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Megan A Terry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Veterinary Technician CC

Office: Center E-219 Mail: CE-214
Email: deanm298@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Eric H Tessin


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: tessine614@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Kalyani Thirunavukarasu

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: thirunavukarasuk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Aaron C Thomas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA-114
Email: thomasa394@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Joyce M Thomas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: thomasjo@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7455

Sheila R Thomas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE314
Email: thomass068@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Tanisha Thomas

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: thomast939@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Dylan Thrift

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: Center A-110 Mail: A124
Email: thriftd965@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4020

Eric Doane Thuma

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Science Area CC

Office: South E-214 Mail: D212
Email: thumae43@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

James M Tierney


Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-217 Mail: N-114
Email: tierneyj16@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2256

Steven James Tillman


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: tillmans363@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Kathleen A Tindall

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: tindallk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Hailey Tinney

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center B-120 Mail: B 120
Email: tinneyh456@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2258

Dolly R Tittle

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: n114
Email: tittled085@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Jacquelyn Tobey

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: marshj935@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Vincent F Todaro

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: todarov@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Juanzetta Tolliver

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: tolliverj193@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7105

Ryan Toth


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Email: tothr632@macomb.edu

Kimberly R Touchstone

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE214
Email: touchstonek689@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Marc R Trahan

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: trahanm289@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

David A Tramontozzi


Chemistry Area DI

Office: South B-404-11 Mail: B404
Email: tramontozzid@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7173

Amy L Tranchida-Waldschmidt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Communications Area CC

Office: Center F-109 Mail: F109
Email: tranchidaa@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Stacey L Traub

LPN FT Practical Nurs Instr

Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-16 Mail: E 214
Email: thomass052@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4798

Mark L Trueman


Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-117 Mail: N114
Email: truemanm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2010

Gregory C Trzaskoma

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Theater Arts Area District

Office: South E-214 Mail: C311-1
Email: trzaskomag@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Susan C Tschirhart

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163-1 Mail: R 163-2
Email: tschirharts@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Philomene Turner

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: turnerp@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

James M Twardesky

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A114
Email: twardeskyj29@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Amy M Unger

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South T-110 Mail: T 110
Email: sundina581@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Michelle L Urena

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center L-117-1
Email: urenam921@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2144

Lucreitia Usher

Adjunct Faculty - Credit


Office: South C-222 Mail: C 222
Email: usherl014@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7156

Dana K Usndek

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: usndekd@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2144

Joseph Vaglica

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: vaglicaj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Jaydeep B Vaidya

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Info Systems Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: vaidyaj16@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Anthony Valente

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: 118
Email: valentea815@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4055

David P Valentine

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-146-2 Mail: C125
Email: valentined61@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4808

Shannon N Valicevic

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P-134 Mail: P152
Email: valicevics13@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-3551

David P Vanacker

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: vanackerd140@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

John T Vanatta


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: vanattaj697@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Thomas Vanhouten

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ106
Email: vanhoutent270@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2066

Frederick W Vanpamel

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: vanpamelf@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4000

Sara L Van Wormer


Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-312-3 Mail: E214
Email: vanwormers@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7235

Steven W Vasilides

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST118
Email: vasilidess194@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Michael G Vasilovski

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: vasilovskim026@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Ralph D Venen

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: venenr08@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2085

Harry C Veryser

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N-114
Email: veryserh771@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Folga Voelkert

Adj Faculty Dental Sci NC

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: panotif657@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Kathy E Vojnovski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: vojnovskik@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2058

Timothy C Vorce

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: vorcet007@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Mona Wahby


Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-228 Mail: J125
Email: wahbym@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2149

Jehan Wakeem

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-SN-129 Mail: SN-129
Email: wakeemj814@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7157

Bradley G Wakefield


Philosophy Area SC

Office: Center N-223 Mail: N114
Email: wakefieldb@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2285

Kathrine M Walenjus

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: walnyk005@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Anna Walker


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A114
Email: walkera680@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Dennis Scott Walker

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E118
Email: walkerd478@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Theresa S Walker

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE214
Email: walkert166@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

John Phillip Walko

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Email: walkoj059@macomb.edu

Lindsey M Wallace

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: wallacel872@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Rayfield Waller

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: wallerr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Michael J Wallwork

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

English Area SC

Office: South F-214 Mail: F204-7
Email: wallworkm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7138

Donald Walrath

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Chemistry Area DI

Office: South E-213 Mail: E214
Email: walrathd920@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Gary A Walters


Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South Advanced Technology Center-110-21 Mail: ATC101
Email: waltersg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7373

Susan D Wancour

Adjunct Faculty- Credit

Dental Science

Office: South N-129 Mail: N 129
Email: wancours997@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7161

Mohammad Wani

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Math Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: CN114
Email: wanim719@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Jacqueline E Wanner


Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-214 Mail: A211
Email: wannerj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2053

Sheri Ward

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE
Email: wardsk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Thomas P Ward

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-126 Mail: R124
Email: wardt925@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Owen Hunter Wasil

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: EST 118
Email: wasilo910@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Keith A Waszak

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA-114
Email: waszakk285@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Paula Watkins

Adj.Fac.Goldman Sachs-NC

Business & Inf Tech Dean's Ofc

Office: Center H-109 Mail: H 109
Email: watkinsp442@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7555

Zachary Watson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Art Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: watsonz310@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Wendy Webster-Fischer


Music Area DI

Office: Center L-117 Mail: L117
Email: webster-fischerw431@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2045

Dana M Wehrman


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A 124
Email: wehrmand930@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Elton Weintz


History Area - CC

Office: Center N-219 Mail: N114
Email: weintze@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4968

Suzette Weis

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: Offsite Location OFFSITE Mail: offsite
Email: weiss418@macomb.edu

Mary Ann E Welden

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: weldenm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Susan Lynn Weldon

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: weldons@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2140

James Daniel Wenson


Math Area CC

Office: Center N-231 Mail: N114
Email: wensonj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2278

Brian R West

Adjunct Faculty Non Credit

Marine Technology

Office: M-TEC Building MTCB-104 Mail: MTC 104
Email: westb483@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Rebecca Jean-Logan West


Geography Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: westr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7860

Nicholas D White

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-110 Mail: EST 110
Email: whiten297@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4020

Sarah M White


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-2 Mail: E 220
Email: whites146@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2202

Terry L White

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: CA-114
Email: whitet438@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

John Wieczerza

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: wieczerzaJ@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Edward R Wierszewski

Adjunct Faculty - Non Credit

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: wierszewskie86@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4060

Linda S Wietecha

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: Center R-182 Mail: R-163
Email: wietechal@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4757

Danielle R Wilcox

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-3 Mail: CE-214
Email: wilcoxd104@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-4337

Alayna Marie Wilder

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: wildera374@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Brandon M Wiley

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST163-7
Email: wileyb479@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Autumn Willard


Psychology Area SC

Office: South E-314-6 Mail: SE214
Email: willard-yakusheva43@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7454

Amy Elizabeth Williams

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Psychology Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: williamsa472@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2282

Clare M Williams

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Biology Area SC

Office: Center C-111 Mail: C 111
Email: williamsc501@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2203

Kimble Jean Williams

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area SC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: williamsk28@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Richard A Williams

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Eng Tech Design Tech Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: williamsr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7435

Susanna Williams


Foreign Language Area DI

Office: South C-320 Mail: C311-1
Email: williamss@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7287

Tarzza K Williams

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 118
Email: williamst038@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-2046

Angie Williams-Chehmani

"AD, Arts & Sciences SOC"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: williams-chehmania@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4040

Brittni M Willing


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: East ESTC Mail: ESTC
Email: willingb552@macomb.edu

Carlin A Wilson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Wellness Health & Excercise Sc

Office: South E-214 Mail: P113
Email: wilsonc@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Jeff K Wilson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R124
Email: wilsonj74@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Kent D Wilson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: wilsonk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

William Gordon Wilson

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: wilsonw@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Daryl A Wilton

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212 Mail: D212
Email: wiltond@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4121

Kevin Winconek

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South C-200 Mail: C 200
Email: winconekk468@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4112

Vicky M Winkler

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: winklerv@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-2058

Natalie Hollon Winslow

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Engl for Acad Purpose Area DI

Office: Center B-110 Mail: B110
Email: winslown@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2145

Galen Winston

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Economics Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: winstong@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Mya E Winters

Academic Advisor CC

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103-1 Mail: H103
Email: wintersm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4724

Terrance Witt

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South R-124 Mail: R-126
Email: wittt252@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7438

Erick J Wittrock

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: South C-222 Mail: C200
Email: wittrocke@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Mary E Wojciechowski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Management Area DI

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: wojciechowskim@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7167

Shery Wojtara-Perry

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A211
Email: wojtara-perrys@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Jeffrey S Wolf

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Cul Arts & Hos Area CC

Office: Center K-117 Mail: A109
Email: wolfj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4740

Josiah Wood

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: ESTC 118
Email: woodj033@macomb.edu

Logan Wood

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Email: woodl096@macomb.edu

Katherine Ann Woods

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center R-163 Mail: CR163
Email: woodsk340@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4770

Christopher John Wouters

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Office: South P Mail: SP
Email: woutersc127@macomb.edu

Matthew Patrick Wright


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: wrightm570@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Jeremy A Wroblewski

FATA Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: East ESTC-118 Mail: estc 118
Email: wroblewskij743@macomb.edu

Gregory M Wullaert

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Science Area CC

Office: Center J-106 Mail: CJ106
Email: wullaertg052@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2147

Scott A Wyckoff

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Business Admin Area CC

Office: Center A-211 Mail: A 211
Email: wyckoffs960@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2058

Kristin L Wylie


Biology Area CC

Office: Center J-133 Mail: J125
Email: wyliek@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2075

Pennie A Wysocki


Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-220-12 Mail: E214
Email: wysockip242@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2064

Zhiqiang Yang


Chemistry Area DI

Office: Center J-231 Mail: J125
Email: yangz@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4751

Kathleen Yanich

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area CC

Office: Center C-C151 Mail: C151
Email: yanichk@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2056

Holly Elizabeth Yatros

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Anthropology Area Di

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: yatrosh@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7286

Renee R Yax

Adj Fac - Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: E163
Email: yaxr749@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Daniel James Yeakel

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area CC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N 114
Email: yeakeld888@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2144

Anna Yelisyeyeva

Adjunct Librarian

Library Area SC

Office: South C-311 Mail: F204-7
Email: storoshchukg904@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7354

Pierre Youhana

Adj Fac - Fire Academy

Health & Safety Training

Office: Center A-120 Mail: CA123
Email: youhanap954@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Christopher M Young


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: CA 114
Email: youngc580@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Emily M Young

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Health and Human Services

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE214
Email: younge566@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

James Martin Young


English Area SC

Office: South F-304-7 Mail: E-214
Email: youngj@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7368

Lawrence K Young

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Skilled Trades Area SC

Office: South M-SM-101 Mail: SM-101
Email: youngl504@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4022

Leigha R Young

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223 Mail: CE-214
Email: youngl408@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Randall R Young

"AD, Arts & Sciences -Sci"

Provost's Office/Learning Unit

Office: South E-214 Mail: E214
Email: youngr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7017

Robert J Yousif

Adjunct Faculty - Coach


Email: yousifr411@macomb.edu

Caroline Grace Zacharias

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

HHS Nursing CC

Office: Center E-223-2 Mail: E 214
Email: zachariasc283@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2097

Richard J Zahodnic


Health & Human Svcs Area CC

Office: Center E-220-11 Mail: E214
Email: zahodnicr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2033

Reem M Zaia

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: Center R-163 Mail: R 163
Email: zaiar196@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-226-4807

Andrew Philip Zalewski


Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-114 Mail: A 114
Email: zalewskia673@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Rochelle R Zaranek


Social Science Area CC

Office: Center N-221 Mail: N114
Email: zaranekr@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2273

Matthew J Zeig

"Counselor - Probationary, 225"

Career & Acad Counseling SC

Office: South G-341 Mail: SG370
Email: zeigm011@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7499

Glykeria Zguris

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Humanities Area SC

Office: Center N-114 Mail: N114
Email: zgurisg@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7251

Ronald Zielinski

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: zielinskir368@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Emily A Zielke

Instructor -- Temporary

Pub Sv Area: EMS/Fir/Law/Pol

Office: Center A-124 Mail: A124
Email: rasmussene40@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-286-2189

Michelle L Zihlman

Adjunct Fac - WCEH - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Hlth & Pub Svc

Office: South C-125 Mail: C125
Email: zihlmanm83@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-4807

Christopher D Zin


Physical Science Area SC

Office: South E-214 Mail: SE-214
Email: zinc175@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7106

Mohamed F Zorkot


Math Area SC

Office: South G-412 Mail: G419
Email: zorkotm@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7142

Jason Zuellig

PATA Police Academy

Basic Police Training

Office: East ESTC-163 Mail: EST 163
Email: zuelligj136@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4050

Ronald Patrick Zuhorski

Adjunct Fac - WCE-BIT - NC

Wkfc & Cont Ed Bus & It

Office: South D-212
Email: zuhorskir27@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-498-4100

Richard S Zwolinski

Adjunct Faculty - Credit

Auto Svce Area SC

Office: South M-101 Mail: M101
Email: zwolinskir@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7012

Megan H Zynda

Adjunct Academic Advisor

Academic Advising CC

Office: Center H-103 Mail: CH103
Email: zyndam728@macomb.edu
Phone: 586-445-7999