Let our Library Enrichment Series inspire you!
Thursday, September 21, 2023 12:00 AM

While museums, plays and, of course, libraries kindle my own creativity and curiosity, I worry that some of our students may not yet realize that there is so much more to “culture” than the obvious.
Culture is everywhere we are and those of us at your libraries are proud to bring its multifaceted joys and discoveries to our students with an interesting mix of fall programs, including those developed by faculty as part of the Macomb Multicultural International Initiatives (MMII).
MMII will be celebrating its 20th anniversary next year and it aligns perfectly with the college’s recent Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) initiative. MMII was designed to increase understanding and acceptance of diversity through programming based on the Diversity Spectrum that it developed. The spectrum consists of 18 cultural and social themes, including gender, global awareness, mental and emotional health/illness, national origin and sexual orientation.
You will see a number of those themes reflected in the Library’s Enrichment Series for fall 2023.
Indigenous Peoples Day, photo exhibit showcasing the culture, land and leaders of Native Americans.
We All Belong, town hall to hear ideas for creating a greater sense of belonging for all Macomb students.
See Me for Who I Am: book discussion on real student veterans’ stories about war/coming home.
Bulgaria the Beautiful, introduction to the traditions, history and art of one of Europe’s oldest states.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, book discussion of 1974 classic about living a mindful life.
Diversity Dialogues
Available online through Nov. 30, these thoughtful discussions look at some important issues of our time. This year, the dialogues include:
International Art and Aesthetics
Introduction to Diversity Studies
Racial Inequalities in the United States
The Social Consequences of Poverty
LGBT + Civil Liberties and Social Rights Movement
Please join me at one of these free events and we can learn something new together!
For more events, as well as dates, times and locations, search Library Enrichment Series under the All Events category found on this webpage.
Check out all our fall events now!