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Campus Blog

Janice Fox, Speech

Sunday, September 19, 2021 08:00 AM

Janice Fox
Janice Fox

Community is key

Speech. It’s an acquired skill, and one that takes time, effort and a little guidance and support. Thankfully, Macomb faculty member Janice Fox is more than up to the task.

Fox, who is an instructor for multiple Speech Communication Arts classes, has been with the college for more than a decade. Previously, she taught communication at ITT Technical Institute, Baker College, Wayne County Community College and Schoolcraft College.

As you might expect, Fox’s own educational background follows a similar trajectory. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University, and a master’s degree in public relations, with a concentration in organizational communication from Wayne State University.

An affinity for the spoken word

Married and a parent both to a 14-year-old son and a rescue pug named Butters (pictured above with Fox), Fox keeps a full schedule. Originally from Long Island, New York, she and her family make frequent trips there to visit relatives.

The other thing that keeps Fox busy is her full-time teaching career – and how! This semester, her offerings include five classes, with six planned for winter. With so many sections, it’s easy to see that an affinity for the spoken word runs deep within her.

“I love teaching speech communication, because you can really see the growth in students,” notes Fox. “There are some students who start really timid and scared and grow into skillful speakers.”

While most classes have gone remote due to COVID-19, the pandemic has not taken a toll on Fox’s curricula. Speech communication has seamlessly continued, and the Zoom platform allows students to team up in groups and give speeches online. No matter the format, Fox holds a special place in her heart both for the art of communication and her students.

“A communication class is a class you can use for the rest of your life,” adds Fox. “Even if you are not a communication major, the information and skills you learn in a communication class can help you in any career field.”

Speak up!

What’s next for the Speech department? Fox is busy seeking out recruits for a new Macomb-sponsored student speech team! Students will have the opportunity to bolster their presentation skills, participate in tournaments and have fun! If you’re interested in joining, or know somebody who may enjoy a new challenge, contact foxj@macomb.edu.